What You Can Do After A Sexual Assault
After a sexual assault, it is important to remember that you have choices about how to take care of yourself. There is no one right way to ensure your self-care. However, listed below are several options for physical and legal attention.Physical Safety
- Get to a place where you are physically safe.
- Contact someone who can help you.
- Campus Police - 719-255-3111 or police@uccs.edu
- Local Police:
- Colorado Springs: 719-444-7000
- Monument: 719-481-3253
- Manitou Springs: 71-685-5407
- Woodland Park: 719-687-9262
- A Family Member, Friend, Roommate, etc.
Medical Attention
- Taking care of your physical and medical state can play an important role in the healing process. You may have internal and/or external injuries as a result of this assault that require medical care. Additionally, you may want to explore options for preventing sexually transmitted infections/diseases (STI/STD) and/or pregnancy.
- On Campus - UCCS Wellness Center
- Location - Gallogly Recreation and Wellness Center
- Phone - 719-255-4444
- UCCS Health Services
- Off Campus - Memorial Hospital SANE (Forensic) Unit
- Location - 1400 East Boulder Street, Colorado Springs, CO 80909
- Phone - 719-365-5000
- UCHealth Memorial Hospital Central
Legal Options
Not everyone is comfortable with using the criminal justice system to respond to a sexual assault. It is your decision whether or not to take legal action against the perpetrator. We encourage you to seek out the support system that feels most appropriate and helpful to you.
On Campus
UCCS Office of the Dean of Students
- Location - Main Hall, Room 322
- Phone - 719-255-3091
- Dean of Students Office
The investigator will discuss campus support services available to the parties.
The investigator will discuss with the complainant whether she/he resides in the same housing or has classes with the charged student, and will take steps as needed to protect the complainant or the campus prior to the outcome of the investigation, including:
- Class and campus housing moves
- Identifying resources for medical and/or mental health support
- Initiating no-contact orders and exclusion orders
- Summary suspensions as he/she deems necessary and appropriate.
UCCS Office of Institutional Equity
- Location - Keystone Hall, Room 3107
- Phone - 719-255-4324
- Institutional Equity Office
Off Campus
In addition to the University's judicial process and those disciplinary procedures applicable to faculty and staff, the survivor has the right to pursue criminal prosecution and/or civil litigation. The Department of Public Safety is available to provide assistance and information on criminal prosecution. The University is committed to providing full and prompt cooperation and assistance in notifying the proper law enforcement personnel if the survivor so chooses. The survivor has the right to pursue all legal and disciplinary remedies and counseling services without academic penalty.
- Local Police:
- Colorado Springs: 719-444-7000
- Monument: 719-481-3253
- Manitou Springs: 71-685-5407
- Woodland Park: 719-687-9262
- The Colorado Springs Website
- Link to a PDF of the Colorado Sexual Assault Statutes