Crime & Fire Log

About the Crime & Fire Log

The crime/fire log is updated on a daily basis. It provides details about crimes and fires that have been reported to the UCCS Police Department. The Crime/Fire logs are listed in chronological order with the most recent occurrences located at the bottom of the page for each month. Hard copies of the Crime & Fire Log are available in the Parking Office located in the Gateway Parking Garage during normal business hours.

Definitions of Crime & Fire Log Dispositions: The disposition of a case provides information about the current status of a case or investigation.

According to Federal Law, an institution may withhold any of the required fields of entry, i.e. the nature, date, time, location and/or disposition if any of the following conditions apply:

  • The disclosure is prohibited by law
  • If disclosure would jeopardize the confidentially of the victim
  • If disclosure would jeopardize an ongoing criminal investigation or the safety of an individual
  • If disclosure would cause a suspect to flee or evade detection
  • If disclosure would result in the destruction of evidence
