Report a Crime
How to Report a Crime
To report a crime or concern you can call the University of Colorado Police Department at 255-3111 or if you do not feel comfortable reporting to the University Police Department you may use the university’s on-line anonymous reporting option. If you choose the anonymous reporting please be aware that a Police Officer may not view it immediately. If there is an immediate threat to someone’s life please dial 911 if off campus or on a cell phone or 9-911 from any campus phone immediately.
Other useful resources:
- University Police Non-Emergent: (719) 255-3111, 3111 campus phone or police@uccs.edu
- Other Emergency: 911, 9-911 campus phone.
- CSPD Non-emergent line: 719-444-7000
- TESSA Crisis Line: 719-633-3819 (for emergency safe house, sex assault victim’s assistance and counseling services)
- CSPD Victim Advocacy Unit: 444-7529, 7649, 7567.
- Penrose Hospital: 719-776-5000
- Memorial Hospital: 719-365-5000
- Suicide Hotline: 1-800-784-2433
- UCCS Counseling Center: 719-255-3265
- Summit Village RA on Call: 719-255-4600
- Alpine Village RA on Call: 719-255-6500