
I. Application

An applicant for UCCS Police Officer must already have her/his POST certification or upon being hired must attend and pass a Basic Police Academy with a successful POST test completion.

View a description of Colorado POST Basic Police Academy requirements here.

II. Testing Process

Entry Selection

Applicants must meet all minimum requirements established by the Colorado State Personnel Board. Entry-level selection is a competitive process. Each process may include:

  • Physical agility test
  • Written examination
  • Polygraph examination
  • Background investigation
  • State structured oral or panel assessment examination.
  • Evaluation by a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist appointed by the department
  • Medical examination
  • Department hiring interview

III. Background Process

  1. Background investigations will be performed on all applicants applying for positions related to public safety (police officer/security officer/dispatcher). Any applicant who is being recommended to the Chief of Police for potential hire should have a background investigation completed prior to the recommendation. The following steps should be considered for a complete background application:
    1. Criminal/Traffic History Report
      1. Acquiring more than seven points in the last year and/or more than 12 points within the last two years on a driver's license.
      2. Alcohol/drug related traffic convictions in the last three years and repeat alcohol/drug convictions after the age of 18 within the last ten years.
      3. Financial Records/Rating
      4. Employment History Review
    2. Medical Clearance
    3. Polygraph Examination (optional)
    4. Psychological Exam (not for all positions)
    5. Reference Check
    6. Home/Neighborhood Interview
  2. Specific to police officers-Per CRS 24-33.5-114, Disclosure of Misrepresentation: Any state or local law enforcement agency that employs, employed, or deputized a peace officer who applies for employment with another Colorado law enforcement agency shall disclose to the hiring agency information indicating whether the peace officer’s employment history included any instances in which the peace officer made a knowing misrepresentation: in any testimony or affidavit relating to the arrest or prosecution of a person or to a civil case pertaining to the peace officer or to the officer’s employment history or during the course of any internal investigation by a law enforcement agency, which investigation is related to the peace officer’s alleged criminal conduct, official misconduct as described in section 18-8-404 or 18-8-405, CRS or use of excessive force. The disclosure described in subsection (1) of this section is required only upon the presentation of a written waiver to a state or local law enforcement agency, which waiver explicitly authorizes the agency to disclose the information described in said subsection (1) has been signed by the applicant peace officer and identifies the Colorado law enforcement agency that is considering the applicant peace officer for employment. A state or local law enforcement agency that receives such a waiver shall provide the disclosure to the Colorado law enforcement agency that is considering the applicant peace officer for employment not more than seven days after such receipt.
  3. A recommendation is given to the Chief of Police concerning the decision to hire. The Chief (or designee) must approve the hire before proceeding.
  4. Affirmative Action approval must be obtained.
  5. A job offer is made.

IV. Crimes Which Affect Certification

Under P.O.S.T. Rule 8, the following crimes may disqualify a person's application for certification:


Common Name


Common Name


Assault in the third degree


Possession of contraband in the second degree


Sexual Assault




Unlawful sexual contact


Attempt to escape


Sexual assault on a client by a psychotherapist


Violation of bail bond conditions


Failure to register as a sex offender


Soliciting unlawful compensation


Sexual exploitation of a child (as it existed prior to July 1, 2006)


Trading in public office


Prostitution prohibited


Failing to disclose a conflict of interest


Soliciting for prostitution


Official oppression




First degree official misconduct


Keeping a place of prostitution


Perjury in the second degree


Indecent exposure


Simulating legal process


Dispensing violent films to minors


Failure to obey a juror summons


Obstructing government operations


Willful misrepresentation of material fact on juror questionnaire


Resisting arrest


Willful harassment of juror by employer


Obstructing a peace officer, firefighter, emergency medical services provider, rescue specialist, or volunteer


Duty to report use of force by peace officers






Concealing death


Bias-motivated crimes


False reporting to authorities


Unlawful use of a controlled substance


Impersonating a public servant


Unlawful distribution, manufacturing, dispensing, or sale


Abuse of public records


Offenses relating to marijuana and marijuana concentrate


Unlawful sale of publicly provided services or appointments


Keeping, maintaining, controlling, renting, or making available property for unlawful distribution or manufacture of controlled substances


Aiding escape

V. Revocation/Suspension of Certification

The following may result in decertification and the inability to apply to be a peace officer in the state of Colorado. Elements include but are not limited to:

  1. 1. Effective August 2, 2019, the Colorado P.O.S.T. Board shall revoke certification when the certificate holder has knowingly made an untruthful statement concerning a material fact or omitted a material fact:
    1. On an official criminal justice record, or
    2. While testifying under oath, or
    3. During an internal affairs (I.A.) investigation, or
    4. During an administrative investigation and/or disciplinary process
  2. The law enforcement agency that employs or employed[3]the certificate holder shall notify P.O.S.T. after the following has occurred:
    1. Completion of an administrative process, as defined by a published policy in effect at the time of the untruthful statement concerning a material fact or omission of a material fact.
    2. Determined, by a clear and convincing standard of the evidence through an administrative investigation or disciplinary process that the certificate holder knowingly made an untruthful statement concerning the material fact or knowingly omitted a material fact.
    3. The certificate holder has elected not to exercise his or her rights to a disciplinary process or has exhausted the internal disciplinary appeal rights provided by their employer.
  3. Pursuant to § 24-31-904(1)(a), C.R.S., POST shall revoke or suspend peace officer certification if:
    1. The peace officer has been convicted of or pleads guilty or nolo contendre to a crime involving the unlawful use of physical force OR a crime involving the failure to intervene in the use of unlawful physical force, OR,
    2. The peace officer has been found civilly liable for the use of unlawful physical force, or is found civilly liable for failure to intervene in the use of unlawful force, OR,
    3. An administrative law judge, hearing officer, or internal investigation finds that a peace officer used unlawful physical force, failed to intervene, or violated section §18-1-707, C.R.S.
  4. House Bill 21-1250 was signed into law on July 6, 2021, and amended some of the provisions originally included in Senate Bill 20-217. P.O.S.T. shall revoke or suspend peace officer certification if a peace officer intentionally fails to activate their Body Worn Camera or Dash Camera with intent to conceal unlawful or inappropriate actions. This legislation has specific requirements depending on whether or not the incident resulted in SBI or Death.
  5. House Bill 21-1251 was signed into law on July 6, 2021. This bill created a new disqualifying incident for peace officers who influence Emergency Medical Service Personnel to administer Ketamine.
  6. All Peace Officers must complete 24-hours of required training per year under Rule 28, with 12 of those hours being perishable skills training with at least 1 hour in each of the required POST Skills (Driving, Firearms, Arrest Control).

If a peace officer is non-compliant, a notice will be issued to the individual. The peace officer will have 30-days to complete the required training. If they do not, their certification will be suspended until they are compliant again.

Learn more about Colorado Peace Officer Standards and Training.

Upon Hire/POST Certification Recruit Training Program

  1. The field training and evaluation program will consist of 15 weeks of individualized training for each inexperienced trainee and a minimum of eight weeks individualized training for experienced trainees.
  2. The 15-week program will be divided into four training phases and two evaluation phases as described in the PTO manual.
  3. The 8-week program will be divided into two phases, a 6-week Instruction phase and a 2-week evaluation phase.
  4. The training PTO, the evaluating PTO and the PTO Supervisor must unanimously concur that the trainee will not suffer a lack of training due to the accelerated program, and must recommend in writing to the Deputy Chief of Police that the trainee be assigned to solo status. The final decision regarding accelerated PTO training rests with the Deputy Chief of Police Operations.
  5. Students who meet all criteria for hire will be assigned to a modified PTO Program. Such a program will consist of all material presented during the regular 14-week or 8-week program, but the duration will be 56 days (560 contract hours) in the case of inexperienced recruits.
  6. In all cases, an extension of up to 2-weeks will be granted to any recruit who is experiencing difficulty in completing the PTO Program. This extension is not a punitive measure and will not be reflected in the recruit's permanent training file. Rather, it affords the recruit an opportunity to address shortcomings free of the pressure of weekly training goals.

Mission and Vision

“It is the policy of the UCCS Police Department to maintain statements of mission, vision and core values. They shall guide department personnel in the performance of their duties.”

Mission and Vision Policy

Body Worn Camera

"It is the policy of the UCCS Police Department that officers will activate the BWC when such use is appropriate to the proper performance of his or her official duties, where the recordings are consistent with this policy and law. Officers must wear and activate BWC when contacting the public for enforcement or investigation.”

Body Worn Camera Policy

Use of Force

"It is the policy of the University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS) Police Department that officers comply with the laws of the State of Colorado and use only that amount of physical force that is objectively reasonable to effect an arrest of an offender, prevent an escape, or to otherwise perform their duties of protecting the community while defending themselves and others from bodily harm. Officers shall deescalate a situation when feasible.

In light of these factors and others, the UCCS Police Department recognizes that objectively reasonable force used by officers cannot always begin at the “minimally necessary” level of force. Additionally, because of differences in size, strength and specialty training among officers, different levels of force may be objectively reasonable for different officers in similar situations.

Officers will assess fluid and rapidly changing situations as well as their own abilities and training and will select the tactics and level of physical force that would be considered objectively reasonable and appropriate based on departmental approved training."

Use of Force Policy

Racial Profiling

”It is the policy of the UCCS Police Department to educate officers on the issue of racial/bias based profiling. Racial/bias based profiling is a form of discrimination under Title VII and will not be tolerated. There is a prohibition against bias based profiling to include, but not limited to; traffic contacts, field contacts, asset seizure, and forfeiture efforts. The UCCS Police Department will take a proactive approach to address these issues and investigate any profiling allegations from its members or members of the campus community.”

Racial Profiling Policy

Crowd Management

“The UCCS Police Department policy regarding crowd management and crowd control is to apply the appropriate level of direction and control to protect life, property, vital facilities and maintain public peace and order and to uphold constitutional rights of free speech and assembly. It is the policy of the UCCS PD to use minimal reliance on the use of physical force and authority needed to address a crowd management or crowd control issue.”

Crowd Management Policy

Professional Standards

“The University of Colorado – Colorado Springs Police Department takes all complaints seriously regarding the service provided by the Department and the conduct of its members. The Department will accept and address all complaints in accordance with this policy and applicable federal, state and local law, municipal and county rules. It is also the policy of this department to ensure that the community can report misconduct without concern for reprisal or retaliation. It should be noted; complaints alleging disagreements on traffic tickets, parking tickets, or probable cause for an arrest are examples of complaints that may not be taken. These decisions are for the Court to make and not normally subject to review by the UCCS Police Department.”

Professional Standards Policy