UCCS Safe App
UCCS Safe Features:
- Emergency Contacts: Contact the correct services in case of an emergency or a non-emergency concern
- Friend Walk: Send your location to a friend through email or SMS on your device. Once the friend accepts the Friend Walk request, the user picks their destination and their friend tracks their location in real time; they can keep an eye on them to make sure they safely make it to their destination
- Report an Incident: Multiple ways to report a safety/security concern directly to UCCS Police
- Virtual Safety Walk: Allow UCCS Police to monitor a user’s walk. If a user feels unsafe when walking on campus, they can request a Virtual Safety Walk and a dispatcher on the other end will monitor their journey until they reach their destination
- Emergency Plans: Campus emergency documentation that can prepare you for disasters or emergencies. This can be accessed even when users aren’t connected to Wi-Fi or cellular data
- Safety Notifications: Receive instant notifications and instructions when on-campus emergencies occur